I’ve been in a couple of car accidents in my day, and it has made me into a horrible backseat driver (sorry to all my friends who I’ve told to slow down). I wasn’t the driver in either of the accidents, so it makes it that much harder to trust whoever is behind the wheel now. It’s not like driver’s training where the passenger side has an extra break that can be used if they feel it necessary. So, to compensate, I hit the dash with my hands really hard or grab the “oh crap” handle when I get nervous.
Now, in my defense, I have gotten A LOT better. The last accident was 6 years ago. So clearly I’ve had to move on from that as much as possible. I’ve been better at trusting my driver and knowing that they will be careful. Michigan roads definitely don’t help with this issue of mine, but it’s a good lesson to learn.
I find that the reason I freak out when I’m not driving is simple—I’m not in control. When I’m not in control, I lose my mind. I want to pick the speed limit, the roads we take, and what radio station we listen to. When I don’t get to make those decisions, all I’m left to do is stare at the road in front of me looking at every imminent fear that could possibly happen. I lean forward in my seat and instruct the driver what I think is best to do, because my 5 years of driving experience is superior to everyone else’s, ya know?
I was with my parents on our way home from Chicago and my dad was driving. He knows how annoying I can get, and I always bug him for the smallest of things. The roads were absolutely awful, and I knew it was going to be the longest 2-hour car ride of my life. So, I told myself to not look out the front window, but rather the side window, because if I can’t see the fear of the road then it’s not there, right? To my surprise, I never once had to overreact, and I never got jumpy or scared. I got to look outside and see the city fade into the clouds of the snowstorm.
I’m learning that life is a lot like riding in the back seat of a car. You don’t get much control. You don’t always get a say in where you’re going or how to get there. You simply have to trust the driver.
It’s safe to say the car ride I’ve been on the last couple months of my life has not gone where I would have steered. It’s taken turns I haven’t wanted to take and gone up and down hills that make me sick. But I’m not driving the car of my life. God is. And God is really good at being God. He’s really good at taking me where I should go, even if it goes against what I want.
Not only is God good at being God, there is no one else I would rather have driving me through life. If I drive it, I’m gonna miss so many things and so many places because I simply don’t know the roads well enough and I don’t know where all the good things are. But God does. And He’s gonna make sure I hit every pit stop I need to make. What are detours to me are not to Him. When I think we are lost I’m reminded that there isn’t really a lost in terms of being on God’s path for you. Everything is intentional. Every speed bump is necessary in order to get to where we’re going.
Now, life has been hard, for many many reasons. What those reasons are don’t matter, but what does matter is that I have been going about this season so so wrong. I’ve been looking out the front window of the car because I think I know better. And all the while Jesus is saying “LOOK OUT THE SIDE WINDOW. ENJOY THE VIEW. ENJOY THE JOURNEY.”
Jesus died for our freedom. It says in one of my favorite songs, “It was my cross You bore, so I could live in the freedom You died for.” Jesus died so that I don’t have to look out the front window of the car and fear everything that comes my way. He died so that I can look out the side window and enjoy the beauty of what’s around me. I figured out I haven’t been going through my season with the proper perspective. I haven’t been living in that freedom. I’ve been living through the lies that the devil tells me of all I have to fear. Jesus came, bore a cross for me, and I haven’t been living for what He died for.
I realized quickly that I need to start living in that freedom. I didn’t know what that looked like until now. I didn’t know that freedom meant getting my eyes off of what was ahead to focus on what’s here and now. The devil tried to tell me that my situation was permanent. That what had happened to me happened because something was wrong with me. He told me I needed to take control of my life again. But it’s so so clear in scripture that if you take control of your life you’re gonna lose it. You’re gonna run into a dead end. You’re gonna get lost. That’s why it’s essential to hand over the steering wheel to Jesus, buckle up, and get ready for the awesome journey ahead. Look at all the sights around you. Look at the people who hop in your car with you and don’t be too sad when they hop out, because every moment is intentional and beautiful and necessary.
Freedom is not self-given. We didn’t earn our own freedom. If you want freedom, you need the Holy Spirit. And guess what—YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. The same Spirit that lived in Jesus resides in us. Now it’s time to become aware of that Spirit, and remember that “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom” (2 Cor 3:17). I want freedom, and what was holding me back from receiving it was the fact that I thought I could get it by myself. I thought I could get it while I was still in the driver’s seat. NEWS FLASH—stepping out of the car and getting into the back seat and giving up your own agenda and pride and expectations will allow you to experience that freedom!
I felt awful that I hadn't been living this season of my life in the freedom that Jesus died for. But the good news is that it is never too late to let go and allow God to take over. Now is the best time because from this moment on you can live totally changed by the freedom of the Lord. Your perspective will affect you in incredible ways and give you the opportunity to start enjoying every ride that God will take you on.
Friends, freedom is yours to take. And let me tell you from experience, it is the best thing ever. But, every day is a battle with my flesh. I have to take my eyes off the road. I have to look out the side window and remember who’s driving, and remember all the ESSENTIAL things I’m learning on the path that He has for me. God’s way is the best way, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
p.s- I want you all to know that everything I write is straight from the Holy Spirit. I never think “oh it’s time for me to write another blog post”. I simply wait for the Holy Spirit to prompt me and place something on my heart…and let me tell you He does so very aggressively (and beautifully). I know that this will touch someone because the Holy Spirit is so fierce in instilling a fire inside the souls of every human. I also hope my analogy was well-received. In no way do I mean the Christian life is passive and we can just cruise in the back seat. We still need to be active and in constant communication with the Driver.